
Lol zed mains reddit
Lol zed mains reddit

lol zed mains reddit

Once he uses WQ and the shadow disappears, just walk up and auto attack him away from the wave and he literally can't do anything without a gank. Remember that Zed's shadow has a massive 20+ second cooldown for a long time until he gets CDR. I don't complain when i get one shot, i complain when someone sends a shadow to fight me, which i can't fight back As LB, your pre-6 roams are going to be much more substantial because you have a hard CC ability, while Zed does not, so you can also abuse that if Zed backs or goes AFL. Wave management in Mid isn't nearly as important as in other lanes because most mid-laners will "accidentally" clear the wave with their pokes, Zed especially.

lol zed mains reddit

LB's autos are so bad that getting 10 CS/min on her is a huge hassle, so you need to practice that. Instead, just focus on CSing very well with your auto attacks. So, what you want to do is hover your wave (to make his Q damage lower) and to punish his W when he goes to make trades with your own QW combo.Ī big thing is also the fact that you can't clear without wasting your W.


Post 3 when you both have full QWE, don't Q-W-W2 combo at Zed unless you're asking for him to retaliate with his, MUCH more damaging WQE combo, because if he tracks your W back to the starting point and starts auto attacking you, you are going to lose the trade hard unless you're in the center of the minion wave. Also avoid her ult with your w, when she ultra in immediately w to get away from most of the damage or as I’d recommend w r to avoid almost all of it 6 2043320669413165 1 yr. So watch bar know cool downs and hit your qs. If you're playing LeBlanc, what you want to do is to abuse your level 1 and 2 because Zed shouldn't be getting anywhere near you. Only go in on cds like always, it’s regular zed imo you just have to play around her abilities. Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gnar Gragas Graves Hecarim Heimerdinger Illaoi Irelia Ivern Janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jhin Jinx Kai'Sa Kalista Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kayn Kennen Kha'zix Kindred Kled Kog'maw Leblanc Lee Sin Leona Lillia Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nami Nasus Nautilus Neeko Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Orianna Ornn Pantheon Poppy Pyke Qiyana Quinn Rakan Rammus Rek'sai Rell Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Samira Sejuani Senna Sett Seraphine Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Sylas Syndra Tahm Kench Taliyah Talon Taric Teemo Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne Veigar Vel'koz Vi Viego Viktor Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong Xayah Xerath Xin Zhao Yasuo Yone Yorick Yuumi Zac Zed Ziggs Zilean Zoe Zyra Snoo made by /u/tea-monster Show off your mastery and make your flair beautiful! Zed DiscordĪatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'gath Corki Darius Diana Dr.

Lol zed mains reddit